During the two-day program, volunteers from the DIY Association provided participants with hands-on experience to gain basic MS Office skills such as Word, Excel and Powerpoint and other more frequently used applications like Photoshop. They also demonstrated how to search and utilize the information available on the campus network. The members of DIY Association were enthusiastic and always ready to answer each question that was presented towards them. With their kind help and proficient skills, most participants in the program improved their computer skills significantly.

According to a survey on the effects of the program, participants mostly reported that they had become more proficient in using computer applications, for example they had learnt how to improve the Powerpoint slides aesthetically, how to do statistical analysis in Excel and how to make more efficient and thorough use of the UNIVERSITY online resources. One participant from the Guanghua Business School said “Knowledge and skills learnt from the program were very practical and helpful. Great thanks for the Student Extra-curricular Activities Guidance Center and DIY Association’s hard work.”
No doubt that the training program has helped the freshmen adapt to the college learning environment more quickly and better prepared them for challenges they might face in the future.